The SMART User Interface
The SMART application is designed to make it easy to work your way through the evaluation process. This section highlights the key areas of the application itself and how you will interact with them.
Header Controls
At the top right of the page are a set of general site controls.

These controls provide the following functionality:
- Log in info — in addition to identifying the account you logged in under, you can click on your username to modify your user details.
- Log out — clicking this button will end your session and exit you from the SMART tool.
- Validate — clicking this button will have the SMART tool check that all necessary fields have been completed and that there are no input errors.
- Close — clicking this button will close the current evaluation and return you to the application starting page (i.e., where you can start a new evaluation and view your evaluation history).
- Save — clicking the save button saves your current evaluation.
Body Tabs
The body of the SMART interface is composed of a set of tabs, each of which handles a specific aspect of accessibility conformance and reporting.

In a typical evaluation, you will work your way through each of these tabs one at a time, but you are free to jump around and review the information in any order. For example, you might prefer to verify the discovery and distribution metadata before beginning the process of verifying conformance.
Message Panel
The message panel appears at the bottom of the SMART interface whenever issues are found during validation. You can manually validate an evaluation using the "Validate" button at the top of the SMART interface, but automatic validation occurs whenever you generate metadata or reports.

The panel contains a list of validation warnings and errors that were discovered. The severity of each message is indicated in square brackets at the start.

Note: While warnings may be ignored if they are determined not to apply, errors should always be corrected before publishing a report or using the metadata the tool generates in an EPUB.
To go to the location of the warning or error, click on its message. Errors and warnings are also
distinguished visually in each tab by red and yellow backgrounds, respectively. The
attribute is also used to convey this information to assistive
To close the message panel, click the X button in the left-hand corner.
To re-open the message panel, press ctrl+m
or re-run the metadata or report
generation operation you were trying to perform.